Return and Cancel Information
Returns & Cancellations Policy
BBQ Island is committed to providing an excellent shopping experience. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer different return options based on the situation—whether it’s a standard return, a damaged item return, or a defective product warranty claim. Each type of return has its own timeframes and conditions. If your item is defective, we will assist you through the manufacturer’s warranty process, which varies by brand.
Damaged Items
If your order arrives damaged, you must report it within 2 calendar days of delivery. Please open and inspect all items immediately, even if you do not plan to install or use them right away.
Damage reported within 2 calendar days of delivery:
- Notify us within 2 calendar days by emailing with 3-5 photos showing the damage, including the original packaging.
- We may offer replacement parts, a discount to keep the item as-is, or the option to return the item for a refund or replacement.
- The product must be unused and in its original condition.
- Keep all original packaging, including the box and any included items, in case a return is necessary.
Damage reported after 2 calendar days:
- No refunds, store credits, or free replacement parts will be provided. This is non-negotiable.
- At this point, you will only have the option to purchase replacement parts for repairs.
- We will be unable to file claims with the carrier or manufacturer if the damage is reported after the 2-day timeframe.
Defective Items
In the unlikely event that you receive a defective product, manufacturers have warranty processes in place to assist you. As an authorized dealer, all our products come with manufacturer-backed warranties. Please refer to your product manual for details and contact the manufacturer directly for troubleshooting.
If the manufacturer directs you back to BBQ Island for parts or a return, we will assist you through that process.
If your item has a defect outside of the warranty period:
- We cannot submit a warranty claim on your behalf.
- You may purchase replacement parts or a new unit if available. Contact us for pricing and availability.
- Replacement parts or units may not be available for discontinued products.
- BBQ Island is not responsible for labor costs, installation fees, or any project delays resulting from defective products.
Standard Returns
For standard returns, items must meet the following conditions:
- Item must be unused, unassembled, and returned in its original packaging.
- Return must be requested within 30 days of delivery.
Non-Returnable Items:
The following items cannot be returned:
- Used, installed, or assembled items.
- Clearance and warehouse deal items.
- Custom-made, special-order, or made-to-order products.
- Any items requested for return outside of the 30-day window.
Return Process & Important Details:
- All shipping costs (both to and from) are deducted from the refund. This includes the cost BBQ Island incurred to ship the item to you and the cost of return shipping or a restocking fee of up to 20%.
- Once your return request is approved, you will receive an itemized Return Authorization, return shipping labels, and detailed return instructions via email. Approved returns must be sent back within 30 days of receiving authorization.
- If your return requires freight shipping, you must provide a photo of the item before it is shipped back to us. The item must be securely palletized and strapped or wrapped, as freight companies will not accept unpalletized returns.
- The item must be properly packaged in its original outer and inner packaging to prevent damage. It must also include all original parts, manuals, accessories, and packing slips.
- Once BBQ Island receives and inspects the return, your refund will be processed. Refund processing time depends on your original payment method.
- Items returned outside of the approved process or after 30 days will not be eligible for a refund.
- Any unauthorized returns sent at your own expense will not be eligible for a refund.
By placing an order with BBQ Island, you agree to these terms. If you have any questions regarding returns or cancellations, please contact us at please see our terms and conditions for more details