Steak and beer,
Can you name a more perfect pairing? Ya, we can’t think of one either.
So crack open a brewskie and read on because we have 5 easy steps to tenderizing your meat using the beverage of the bbq gods!
1. Choose a beer to use as the marinade. All beers contain tenderizing enzymes, but the style of beer you select will have a dramatic impact on your food's Savor. We recommend going for a middle of the road savor profile for best results.2. Select your rub. Of course, you can simply soak the meat in beer alone to tenderize it. However, you’re a grill master and demand more of your meat. We have tons of amazing rubs and sauces in house, so we understand it can be a little overwhelming. Allow us to make an executive decision for you that you surely will not regret! Check out our #whatsyourbeef steak rub from lootnbootybbq!3. Place your meat, rub, and beer selection in a zip lock bag. Push all the air out, and make sure that the entire piece of meat gets a little lovin.4. Choose the optimal marinade time. Short on time? 15 minutes will do. The ideal time for the meat to really suck up those savors is 1-3 hours. Want to optimize your time the best? Use the Marinade Express Pro Tabletop Machine!5. Cook the meat as desired. - Personally, we think its heresy to cook anything over medium rare, but you’re free to do whatever floats your boat. Make sure to use the new GrillEye Pro Plus Wireless Digital Thermometer to hit that perfect temp every time!
There you have it, 5 easy steps to cooking the most tender steaks of your life!
What’s your favorite beer marinade? Leave them in the comments below!
Want more suggestions on our preferred rubs and sauces to use with your steaks? Then stop on in to any of our three Arizona locations and check out our bbq island staff picks!