Behind the Pit interview with Jason Murff of Grill Your Ass Off

Behind the Pit interview with Jason Murff of Grill Your Ass Off

Name: Jason Murff
Age: 29
Location: Houston, Tx
Brand Name: Grill Your Ass Off
IG Handle: @grillyourassoff
Youtube Handle: @grillyourassoff

Did you have a career before BBQ or has this always been your passion?


I actually started out as motocross racer and then I served in the Army for a brief period. These two things ultimately led me to finding my passion for BBQ and making GYAO seasonings. Come to think of it, it may have been all those BBQ flavored MRE’s I ate while serving..

How did you come up with the brand name “Grill Your Ass Off”?

Interestingly enough, the original idea was to name the company “Grill Your Ace Off”. As you already know, I ultimately decided that “Grill Your Ass Off” would be a much better fit. I think it was a wise choice!

A bit of backstory on the original name: The reason we were going to go with “Grill Your Ace Off” is because every year my family does a cook-off to raise money for the local children’s medical network. We call the competition “Grill Your Ace Off.” I am very passionate about helping people, BBQ, and helping people BBQ!

What moment in your BBQ career are you MOST proud of?

I don’t have one specific moment that I can think of… but if I had to choose, it would be the large and supportive GYAO BBQ community we have formed since launching the company. The fact of the matter is that no matter your color or political opinion, good food brings people together. Period.

What is your most popular product and why do you think that is?

Gunpowder, it’s a unique blend due to the activated charcoal we add to it. This makes it fun for you and your guest when cooking because it turns everything black when you season it!

What is the story behind creating that product?

Gunpowder was my 5th seasoning to launch and I wanted something that stood out but still fit our military-theme. Turns out a little bit of activated charcoal made it look just like gunpowder! Who woulda thought!

Do you have any new products in the works? Yes.


Can you share any details?

We have a new line of smoked salts and beef jerky coming!

What do you think people love most about you and your brand?

The military-themed products and our amazing sense of humor of course.

Do you want to say anything to all your fans, followers, and supporters?

Thank you, without you, none of this would be possible!

Do you have any words of wisdom for those who are looking to make a name for themselves in the world of Barbecue?

Never stop perfecting your craft. Stay driven, especially on the long hard days when you think nothing could get any worse.

Closing Thoughts:


Thank you to the whole BBQ Island team for having me on and supporting the brand! 
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